George Washington

Twenty-year Air Force Vet George Washington’s life was pretty much a disaster. Homeless (living in his car and a motor home), mentally disabled, unemployed and unemployable, addicted to alcohol and marijuana, divorced. Hear his story of transformation on today's episode of the End Anxiety Podcast.
No not that George Washington...

Twenty-year Air Force Vet George Washington’s life was pretty much a disaster. Homeless (living in his car and a motor home), mentally disabled, unemployed and unemployable, addicted to alcohol and marijuana, divorced.

He learned TM. Now? I think it’s hocus pocus. I think it’s baloney. I think it’s a witch’s brew. But that doesn’t matter what I think. The fact is that I practice. I practice consistently. And it works. It works. Now he’s in a Masters program. He’s completely employable but not needing the work. Oh, as for homelessness. He now own a 1 ½ acre property in his home town of Palmdale, CA priced at $400,000. 

For anxiety sufferers he says, “Do TM. When your mind goes bonkers, tell your mind, Stop it. Just stop it."
George Washington
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