Debora Masterson

Today’s guest is Debora Masterson and she will share her inspiring and remarkable story of transformation, all made possible by her taking up the practice of Transcendental Meditation. As a young woman Debora did experience some bouts of depression and drastic mood swings, however this was nothing like the overwhelming grief that she experienced when her soul-mate Craig succumbed to illness at a relatively young age. She describes how this loss triggered patterns of self-destructive behavior in the form of alcohol and substance abuse, and a general lack of control in her life. Then from the most unlikely source, a Jerry Seinfeld interview, she found the motivation to try out TM and the results have been astonishing. Since then she has written a book manuscript, engaged in the refurbishment of a historic home, and pursued her love of music to name just a few of her creative activities. Through TM Debora has found a calm center while at the same time a powerful energy to pursue any endeavor she puts her mind to. Listen to her fascinating story.
Debora Masterson
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